Participate in our Big Game Hunting event – a direction-finding event without all of the driving and walking around.

Instead, we will have the Game somewhere within Sacramento County transmitting on a given frequency. Your mission is to Hunt down and determine the location of the Game by working cooperatively with the other Hunters.

This is best done with directional antennas, but you can also participate with your omni-directional vertical antenna. Combining the observations and bearings from the directional antenna Hunters with the signal strength observations of the omni-directional Hunters, we may be able to track down the Game. And, you can do this from a comfortable location – such as your QTH or a nice park.

Every radio amateur is welcome to join in the Hunt – and honestly, the more the better.

Here are some reference videos to help you understand the assignment.

April 12, 2025 – 10:00 to 12:00

(sign up form direct link)
