2022 Delta Flood Exercise
Sacramento ARES was invited to participate in a live simulation of a delta levee breach in the Sacramento Delta. The Sacramento County OES, along with other counties, first responders, and…
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Sacramento ARES was invited to participate in a live simulation of a delta levee breach in the Sacramento Delta. The Sacramento County OES, along with other counties, first responders, and…
The Gold Country Region of the American Red Cross is conducting an Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Drill on March 27, 2021. Objectives of the Drill can be found at: http://www.sacvalleyares.org/contents/news/2021/Red_Cross_Exercise_2021.asp…
In addition to our regular repeater VHF Net, try sending a Winlink message to Mike Abernathy (NM3S) via Winlink using three different connection methods. telnet VHF Gateway HF Gateway See…