August 2024 RCARCS Presentation about ARES Sacramento County ARES presentation by Emergency Coordinator Jay - N6SAC for the River City Amateur Radio Communications Society (River City ARCS)
Amateur Radio Emergency Service Sacramento County ARES presentation by Emergency Coordinator Jay - N6SAC for the River City Amateur Radio Communications Society (River City ARCS)
The Barryessa Amateur Radio Klub (BARK) is in need of an experienced antenna tower climber to help perform antenna replacements. On the free-standing tower on the right, there are three…
I was invited to participate in a series of desktop training exercises at the Sacramento County EOC. This was coordinated by the Sacramento County Chief of Emergency Services, Mary Jo…
The Amateur Radio Newsline – a HAM radio news program replayed by several stations – including N6ICW immediately following our weekly NET – included a story about our relationship with…
What: Comm Academy 2021When: April 10-11, 2021 Your opportunity to learn how emergency communications and amateur radio operate in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, i.e Washington State and neighboring areas. Schedule…
With so many HAM-related events being canceled, just wanted to pass along a free, virtual HAM Expo. QSO Today Virtual HAM Expo 2020 Lots of speakers are scheduled, so chances…