2023 Great American Triathlon
Sacramento County ARES has been providing radio operators for the Great American Triathlon for many years – even back in the days when it was called the Eppie’s Great Race.…
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Sacramento County ARES has been providing radio operators for the Great American Triathlon for many years – even back in the days when it was called the Eppie’s Great Race.…
Jay Ballinger – N6SAC, and Jojo Melendres – KN6HTD, were interviewed by the Capital Public Radio Insight program host, Vicki Gonzalez. They discussed HAM Radio in general, the role of…
It is time to sign up for the 2023 Great American Triathlon Communication Support Team Radio Volunteer Signup : https://forms.gle/A9jpdrcuZuRd7dwo6 The event is on Saturday, July 15, 2023. This is…
The team built a plethora of 3-element tape measure Yagi Antennas. We followed the N5DUX plans.
The 2023 Pony Express Re-Ride is needing radio operators for June 7 and June 8, 2023. Dennis Klaman – N6KLA – Operator Coordinatordennis.klaman@gmail.com https://nationalponyexpress.org/re-ride/current-reride/
The American Red Cross is asking for ARES help in supporting a shelter in Amador County. ARES members available to help should contact: ARES Sacramento Valley ECMichael Joseph – KK6ZGB916.495.4010kk6zgb@gmail.com
The team building 2m slim-jim antennas using 450-ohm windowline.
The Amateur Radio Newsline – a HAM radio news program replayed by several stations – including N6ICW immediately following our weekly NET – included a story about our relationship with…
Photos courtesy of:AJ6OH, KJ6LMQ, KN6BKB, KN6QNJ, N6PVI, N6SAC, NB6S, W6SOM