Typical Duties
A Digital Communicator I may be deployed to different types of locations – which can make no two assignments alike. You could be sent to a county radio room, public service events, or to real emergency incidents.
Assignments may include
- Command posts
- Damage surveys
- Shelters
- Event stations
Completion of ARES Fundamentals
Required Training
- ARES training or equivalent experience
- Digital with flwrap and flmsg
Required Proficiency
Demonstrated ability to communicate via fldigi, including:
- sending and receiving simple text messages
- receiving, editing, and sending ICS forms using flmsg
- using forms and templates with flmsg
- sending and receiving word processor and spreadsheet files “wrapped” using flwrap
- perform these functions under field conditions
Continued Eligibility
- Participate in Monday night nets at least twice a month
- Attend at least six (6) ARES meetings in a given year
- Participate in at least one activation or event each year