There is a Sacramento Valley Section-wide NET this Thursday. It will have two parts – a VHF NET followed by an HF NET
Section-Wide VHF NET
- Thursday, September 17, 2020
- about 7:30 PM (there may still be traffic from earlier net)
- WD6AXM : 146.085 MHz (+) 127.3 tone
Section-Wide HF NET
- transition to HF NET immediately following the VHF NET
- 3.880 MHz LSB
- If you have a dipole, even if it isn’t long enough to transmit on 80m, you may still be able to hear our traffic. Give it a try.
- If you do not have an HF rig, why not try listening to an internet-connected transceiver?
Both of these NETs are open to all licensed amateur radio operators.