Meeting Room Coordinator

Meeting Room Coordinator

Description: Identify and secure a meeting room for our team for our Monthly Meetings. Coordinate with the facility to reserve the room on our indicated days and times. Work with the facility to secure keys and access to the room for our Meetings. Maintain the schedule for the room with the facility as far in advance as they allow. Be the point-of-contact for the facility to contact our ARES team.

Role Duration: On-going

Time Commitment: 1 hour per month (not counting the meeting)

We are all volunteers here, and we have plenty of opportunities for you to be involved. Your help and expertise is needed – for tasks large and small.

Please review the Volunteer Roles listed here. We need at least one volunteer in each role, and in most cases we can use multiple volunteers for each role.

Consider helping where you can.

Calendar Coordinator

Calendar Coordinator Description : Maintain the calendar of events – from Monday Night Nets to events, practices, and drills. Ensure these calendar events are represented correctly on our published calendar. Also provide periodic updates and…

Certification Recorder

Certification Recorder Description :Maintain each ARES member’s list of certifications and accomplished training certificates – such as the ARRL courses and the FEMA courses. Keep accurate records, collect the certificates, and update our online…

Club Liaison

Club Liaison Description : Interface and interact with Amateur Radio Clubs as a representative of Sacramento County ARES. Pass along news and information of interest to the other organization and report back to our ARES teams on news and items…

Drill and Practice Coordinator

Drill and Practice Coordinator Description : Manage the list of Drills and Practices planned for our ARES Team. Work with the Training Coordinators and Training Instructors to have clear goals and descriptions, identify dates and times, and…

Equipment Coordinator

Equipment Coordinator Description : Inventory the Sacramento County ARES equipment and maintain the list along with current status and current location of the equipment. Record when equipment is checked out or used and note the condition when…

Event Coordinator

Event Coordinator Description : Work with the Event Liaisons to maintain the list and requirements of our events – such as marathons, bike rides, etc. Publish these events with our Calendar, Website, and Social Media Coordinators. Role…

Event Liaison

Event Liaison Description : Act as the Liaison between Sacramento County ARES and your event. Attend all coordination meetings for the event. Maintain the volunteer requirements and the list of our volunteers for the event. Coordinate with…

Meeting Room Coordinator

Meeting Room Coordinator Description : Identify and secure a meeting room for our team for our Monthly Meetings. Coordinate with the facility to reserve the room on our indicated days and times. Work with the facility to secure keys and access…

Membership Coordinator

Membership Coordinator Description : Maintain the list of Reserve Stations for our ARES team. Fill empty Reserve Number spots on our roster. Update our Net Roster used during our weekly Nets. Coordinate with our Certification Recorder to accurately…

Net Ambassador

Net Ambassador Description : Attend other organizations’ Net(s) as a representative of Sacramento County ARES. Pass along news and information of interest to the other organization and report back to our ARES teams on news and items from their…

Net Control Coordinator

Net Control Coordinator Description : Maintain the list of Net Control Operators, including scheduling and availability. Provide feedback to Net Control Operators on training and performance. Be the contact point for new stations wanting to…

Net Control Operator

Net Control Operator Description : Perform Net Control for our weekly Net. Coordinate with the Net Control Coordinator on availability and scheduling. Keep up-to-date with the most current Net Control Script and Net Roster. Accurately record…

Net Liaison Coordinator

Net Liaison Coordinator Description : Coordinate the Net Ambassadors maintaining the list of Ambassadors and Nets. Also maintain the list of other organizations checking in regularly to our weekly Net. Role Duration : On-going Time…

Social Media Coordinator

Social Media Coordinator Description : Maintain and publish news and information on our various Social Media platforms. Repost/relay interesting articles from related Social Media accounts. Coordinate with our Training Coordinators and Calendar…

Time Report Calculator

Time Report Calculator Description : Gather volunteer time reports from our ARES team members. Also calculate team-wide time for events, Nets, drills, and practices. Report total volunteer time per month to our Section Emergency Coordinator….

Training Coordinator

Training Coordinator Description : Coordinate the Training Instructors with scheduling and conducting our training. Coordinate with the Drill and Practice Coordinator for combined training and drills. Maintain list of training opportunities….

Training Instructor

Training Instructor Description : Conduct training classes as scheduled by the Training Coordinator. Recruit and partner with subject-matter-experts to help with the training. Maintain roster of training attendees. Role Duration : Periodic…

Website Content Coordinator

Website Content Coordinator Description : Maintain and publish news and information on our website. Collaborate with the Social Media Coordinator and the Calendar Coordinator to keep events and content fresh. Role Duration : On-going Time…